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Commands to remember:

[cl - claim kills

Guards - Calls guards to your rescue in case of attack in guarded areas.

[bandself - band self (heals you, must have bandages in pack)

motd - Displays important information

!faq - Displays ingame information

!rules - Displays a gump containing rules of the shard

auction - See whats on auction or auction an item (must be at auctioneer in the Player's Lounge)



[c -  speaks in public chat

[g - speaks in guild chat.

[pm - private message chat

[e - emote menu

[e "emote" - bypass emote menu to emote directly.



Bank - Opens bank box when near a banker or you have your bankstone in your pack.

Balance - inquires on the balance in your bankbox (must be open)

Check (amount) - creates gold check



All Guard - All your pets will guard you from harm

All Follow - All your pets will follow targeted person

All Follow Me - All your pets will follow you

All Come - All your pets will come to you

All Kill - All your pets will attack targeted mobile

All Stop - All your pets will stop what they are doing

All Stay - All your pets will stay

[kp - Displays the number of "kill points" and Evo Pet has (15 mil is fully evolved)

+Can also be used with a specific pet if you only wish one to carry out your directions. Replace "all" with your pets name.

ie: Willow Kill - Willow (specific pet) would attack only the targeted mobile.

Mercenaries Only

<name> stats

<name> drop

<name> help

<name> restyle

<name> undress

<name> mount

<name> dismount



I ban thee - removes and bans targeted player from your house

Remove thyself - removes targeted player from your house

I wish to secure this - Targeted item will be secured

I wish to lock this down -Targeted item will be locked in place

I wish to release this - Targeted locked down or secured item will be released

I wish to place a trash barrel - Creates a trash barrel where you are standing.  (Use of an axe will remove it)



Additional commands can be found here: Wiki

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